Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Ugly Sweater Christmas Party 2014

The Orr's hosted the ugly sweater Christmas party this year, just like last year! (Which you can view HERE) It was a lot of fun especially since I got to dress Gemma up for it!
I found this outfit of Gemma's at D.I. for only $5 and knew I had to have it for the party! It's a perfect mix of Christmas, cuteness, and tackiness! 

Winners of the Sweater party!
Abby won first place all-around.
Aaron won for the men.
Gemma won for the kids'.

Bizzy and Jacob perfomed "Christmas in the Sand" by Colbie Callait.

Bizzy just playin' around with Gemma.

I wish I had taken a picture of the white elephant gifts we brought for the party! We brought a pair of gloves that had a cat's face on them, as well as a pair of slippers that were from the Luxor Casino in Vegas. (I got those from Savers, they were sealed in a bag, unused). We also brought a box of cake mix and frosting to go with it, and the book How the Grinch stole Christmas, which I actually stole back during the exchange cause I actually wanted it for Gemma!

Babies! (Even though Scarlett is really a toddler, and we're missing Lila!) These girls are going to be good friends!
Youngest to oldest:
Rosie, 6 weeks
 Elenora, 10 weeks
 Gemma, 4.5 months
 Scarlett, 14 months.