Sunday, December 7, 2014

St. Lucia Day Program 2014

For anyone interested in learning what St. Lucia Day is, click HERE to read about it.

Tyler is of Swedish descent and his family celebrates St. Lucy's Day. The cousins I grew up with also celebrated because their grandma is Swedish and my fabulous Aunt Kimi embraced her husband's heritage and has been teaching her children all about it since they were kids. As a child, I envied my cousins for the fun traditions they participated in and now I can do with my kids what my aunt did with hers! 
I'll be completely honest though, the customs and traditions are fun, but my favorite things are the Christmas decorations! 

Anyways, there is a Swedish Heritage Society in Utah that puts together different events and the St. Lucia Day program is one of them. I have second cousins whose mother is Swedish and so she and her children are apart of the society and were apart of the program! It was fun seeing them in the program! 

I dressed Gemma up like St. Lucia for the event! It was so much fun!! She just wore white jammies with a red ribbon and a Lucia crown that I made a few days beforehand! Everybody LOVED it!
The minute we got there people began asking to take pictures of her. Seriously, at least 12 different people took a picture of her! Safe to say I'll be doing it again next year! 

Tyler's family came too!

There was so much going on I think Gemma was just overwhelmed and needed her momma!

See that cute little girl right in the front with the red boots? That's my cousin's little girl, Sirri! She is so dang cute and has the funniest sweetest personality!

The woman on the far left, that's Helena. She is married to my dad's cousin. She's Swedish! (Also, Sirri's grandma!)

The photo quality is so horrible because it was totally dark and I lightened it in Photoshop! Still a cool pic, in my opinion. 

I love  these shots I got!

This yummy, pudgy baby with Gemma is Todd, Dani's baby boy! I love his little elf outfit!

This is Rick,  my dad's cousin, and Helena's husband.

Spot Tyler!

After the program we were starving! We drove straight to Smashburger!

In love with this burger! It's called the Beehive Burger! Just posting about this is making me want to drive there right now for one!