Friday, December 5, 2014

Gemma - Four months

I love having a 4-month old! Gemma is so fun now! She will giggle every once in a while, but she has yet to reach the laughter stage. (I'm waiting as patiently as I can for that!) 
She's super smiley the all the time; though I have found that she's not as happy and smiley when we are away from home or around lots of people. It seems like she is just the happiest when it's just her, Tyler and I. Lately she's displayed a little "stranger danger" anxiety, but I'm just hoping she wasn't in a very good mood in those moments. 
Gemma still loves her pacifier, and is currently learning how to put it in her mouth herself.
She's also learning to hold her bottle, but probably won't be able to completely by herself for at least another month. 
She loves toys that are colorful and easy to hold and she will now put anything in her mouth that is in her hands. 
She is almost rolling over! She will lie on her back then roll to her side, and try with all her might to go to her tummy, complete with lots of kicks and grunts. It's pretty cute.
Also, I will lie her on a blanket on the floor and she will somehow end up almost totally off the blanket and facing another direction. 
Gemma is mesmerized by the TV. 
She loves talking and cooing.
Sometimes when I have her lying on a blanket, on my bed, in her swing, or in the bumbo, after a while she will get tired of it and start to "complain" as I call it. She's usually holding a toy when I have her sitting or lying somewhere, and so when she wants out or wants attention, she'll start talking really loud/yelling while aggressively playing with the toy. Almost like she's taking her frustration out on the toys. I love it! And she'll do that for quite a long time before actually crying, which is great for me cause then I know I have a bit more time to get things done before picking her up. 
Gemma is still an easy-going baby, and I'm praying it continues. She only cries when she's over-exhausted and can't fall asleep, or if she's really hungry and I'm taking too long to start feeding her.
She is now sleeping in her bed for 8 hours straight which has been awesome! Sometimes in the mornings she will wake up and be a little fussy but then I'll cuddle her in our bed and she'll fall asleep again. 

I love this baby girl! How lucky I am to be her mother!

So I'm super bummed about these next photos...I could NOT get her to smile for me! So here's my little turkey all straight faced...oh well....

These next pictures I took the next day!

The love the way her skin and chub hangs from her face! So freaking cute and kissable!!