Thursday, July 28, 2011

It actually happened!!

So, remember my first post? About wanting a "nice" camera? Well guess what?? It actually happened! To be honest, when I was typing up that post, I didn't really think it would least this soon. But Tyler and I talked about it a lot and decided we had enough money saved up to afford it at this time! Hooray for saving money! Hooray for Costco! And hooray for wonderful husbands! 
Eventually I'll start putting pictures on here that I take with my new camera! I'm looking forward to starting up this new hobby of photography!
Now to start reading the manual...
This is what my new Nikon D3100 looks like! Hehehe I think it's cute!
[The Nikon package that we got from Costco included a 55-200mm lense. I'm excited to try that out too!]