Thursday, July 21, 2011

Today's inspiration

This evening, I had the pleasure of spending time with a very dear friend of mine, when we got to talking about some of the hardships and trials that are sometimes sent people's way. During the conversation, I was reminded of an important and comforting scripture that addresses tribulation and decided to share it with her. I hope she will remember it in the future whenever times get hard, and I hope all you reading this will find some peace in its promise. 

The scripture comes from the 58th section of The Doctrine & Covenants, verses 2-4. 

"2 For verily I say unto you, blessed is he that keepeth my commandments, whether in life or in death; and he that is faithful in tribulation, the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven. 
3 Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation.
4 For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand. "

It's comforting to know without a doubt that if I stay faithful and continue to live the Gospel through any trials and hardships, that I will be "crowned with much glory," in other words: blessed beyond my imagination. 
Grateful to have the light of the Gospel in my life.