Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My very first post....

I have finally done it! I have created a blog! Which is just another website for me to be addicted to/obsessed with. Hmm....that could give out the wrong idea. Allow me to rephrase that. 

I've created a blog! Which will probably prove just as addicting as Facebook! [Does that sound better? I think so...]

So to be honest, I'm only posting this right now to inform everyone that I really just created this blog to have it all ready for when I have a camera that takes quality photos, rather than using our camera phones. [Tyler would say "but my camera phone IS nice; it's 5 megapixels!"] yeah right, Tyler! And sure, we could get a cheap 10megapixel digital camera. But I'm saving for something nice. 

So here I end my first post. Come visit again in maybe....September? Hopefully I'll have my "nice" camera by then :)