Friday, June 5, 2015

Gemma - Ten Months

Here's a short, sweet post for Gemma at 10 months!

This little girl just gets more and more fun and I'm seriously loving it!
As far as milestones, not a lot has changed with Gemma. 
She crawls super fast now! 
She will sometimes stand on her own, not holding onto anything, though she still has to hold on to something to pull herself up in the first place.
As soon as she's done eating, (food or bottle) she throws whatever is left. (This drives me nuts.)

She loves primary! During singing time she claps or dances along with all the music, then by sharing time I can give her a binky and have her lie her head on my shoulder and she'll fall asleep! Then during Sunday school she usually sits happily on Tyler's lap just watching all the kids. (We teach 4 and 5 year olds!)

Getting these pictures is harder and harder everytime!!