Sunday, April 5, 2015

Gemma - Eight Months

Gemma's 8 month update, plus some Easter pictures! (This turkey girl is getting harder and harder to photograph! But more about that on another post coming up...)

With each monthly update the same words enter my mind, (and sometimes exit my mouth, even if I'm by myself...haha!)
"What is happening? How is Gemma __ months old already??"
Each month flies by quicker than the last.

With time passing so fast I find myself not wanting to spend even minutes away from her. I'm soaking up every bit that's possible because I know one day it won't be as easy. Especially now as she is learning and progressing faster than ever! 
In the last 2.5 weeks Gemma has learned SO MUCH. Seriously I can't believe she's already at the age for all this stuff...

Here are her big milestones that all happened within 2 weeks:
 -She crawls!! (It's half-crawling/scooting)
-She sits herself up (quite easily!) from lying down.
-Opens drawers and cupboards.
-Pulls herself up and and takes steps along the couch!!

Gemma is still super chatty and as loud as ever! I seriously love her babbling and talking SO MUCH. Wherever we are, whatever we're doing, she is talking! Almost every morning after waking up, she will just lie in bed and whisper to herself. You guys....I die. It is the most precious thing ever! I'm hoping to create a youtube account soon to upload all the videos I have of her talking and babbling! Unfortunately I don't have any videos of her whispering cause every time I start recording her she sees my phone and stops! :(

Gemma's eating is kind of driving me crazy! She will eat 1st and 2nd foods (pureed). She'll gnaw and suck on cucumber slices, a carrot stick, etc. She loves pears, bananas, blueberries, peaches, apples, etc, in her little fresh food feeder...
(this is the fresh food feeder)

BUT, the thing that drives me crazy is she won't eat 3rd foods (chunkier stuff). Baby cereal. Oatmeal. Any food that is mashed. Or finger foods like cheerios or puffs. If it is not smooth, within a second of it being in her mouth she is gagging (and sometimes it seems like choking!!!) and trying to spit it out. Sometimes the gagging will make her throw up. 
So a couple times a week I try the foods with her again, but so far it's been the same. I'm kind of thinking it's a texture issue. I hope and pray that this is just a phase and that she'll eventually get out of it. And of course I still give her bottles too!

Gemma loves playing in our living room with all her toys (and really anything she can get her hands on). She enjoys dumping out her basket of toys, and getting into our drawers on our TV stand.
Gemma enjoys walks in the stroller, and bouncing and jumping in her jumperoo!

Gemma LOVES the movies Lady and the Tramp & Beauty and the Beast!! Like, I'll put on other movies like Alice or Cinderella or Snow White, but she won't sit and stare at them like she does with these two movies!
Gemma still sleeps through the night. For a week or so she started waking up like 3 times a night screaming and crying. I gave her a tiny bit of probiotic in her bottle one night, and she slept through the whole night again! So now every week or so I give her just a little of the probiotic and she continues sleeping through the nights! She also has less gas now! That stuff is awesome.

(This was supposed to be a bunny hat, but I feel like it makes her look more like a puppy...oh well.)

Gemma LOVES when Tyler gets home from work. Right when he walks in Gemma almost starts laughing cause she's so happy! So if Tyler walks in and doesn't immediately pick Gemma up, she starts crying! Same thing happens when Abby gets home from work too. Or if I go somewhere and leave Gemma home with Tyler, she actually starts crying right when I walk in and I think it's because she suddenly realizes that I was gone the whole time! Haha! And then as soon as I pick her up her crying turns to a "relief" crying almost. It's pretty cute!

I cut Gemma's hair for the first time! Just a small trim. I trimmed the hair on the sides of her head cause they were getting so long and strangly (I don't even think that's a word). If you look at her 7 month update post, you'll see the long hair I'm talking about. Since trimming it it has looked so much nicer! And i don't have to comb it as much! I left the hair on the top long so that I could sweep it to the side so she could almost have a "bangs" look. Haha!

Just in the last few days I've noticed that sometimes when Gemma hears music, she will dance! She bounces up and down, and I wondered if she was just bouncing to bounce, but noticed she would do it every time I put music on.
And I swear....just yesterday in the car I had music on and I think she was trying to sing too!! I hear her talk, scream, yell, whisper, etc, every single day, all day, but when I had a certain song on (it was Josh Groban, haha!) she was making a different sound. It really sounded like she was trying to sing! It was super cute! I wish I could have recorded her somehow!

I love this little girl and watching her learn and discover new things. It's so much fun being a mother, and I am especially blessed to be Gemma's.
Can't believe that in 4 short months she'll be a year old!