Monday, February 9, 2015

Rosalie's Blessing

Sweet Rosie was blessed this last Sunday. Her father, Tyler (Jensen), gave her a sweet and spiritual blessing. So happy we were able to go up for it!
After Sacrament meeting we went to Bizzy and Tyler's clubhouse for breakfast!

BEFORE (July 2014)
I am 35.5 weeks and Bizzy is around 18 weeks!

AFTER (February 2015)

I'm so happy Bizzy lives out here in Utah now!
She and I were best friend cousins growing up and we would always make plans for when we grew up. We would get married at the same time, live next to each other with underground tunnels to each others' houses and we'd have babies at the same time. Well, we didn't get the neighboring homes with tunnels (there's still time) but we are both married to fantastic men (both named Tyler!!) And now we each have a sweet baby girl to call our own!
Love you, Bizzy!