Thursday, February 5, 2015

Gemma - Six Months

What the??
With how fast time is going, she'll be a year old in no time!!

This dolly has progressed so much in just one month!
She now sleeps a full 9 hours without waking.
She rolls, rolls, rolls everywhere (just not as much on our bed, I think it's a little harder on memory foam.)

She somehow scoots forward when on her belly. Not consistently, yet, though.
She loves playing with toys. I'm in trouble if I forget to put a toy in her cars eat when we go places.
She can sit up by herself for the most part! It's easiest on the bed where she can sink in a little bit, and she does fine on carpet.

We got her a high chair when she was 5.5 months, and she totally loved it!! She was so smiling and giddy! I think she loved being high up where she could see everything.
She does perfect in the car seat now (unless she's really hungry). If she's crying from exhaustion, she'll just fall asleep immediately when we start driving.

She is SO CUDDLY, I love it! I am definitely not taking it for granted! 
She loooooves touching faces. If you are holding her, she will be happiest if you're holding her in a way that she'll be able to touch your face - with both hands! Sometimes she thinks it's a good idea to try and touch my face with both hands, while she's drinking a bottle. It's pretty funny. 
She has those really good belly laughs now - I live for it.

She lights up when she sees me, even if I walked out of her view for a second, and come back, she just gets so excited! She loves her daddy, but I think it's clear she's a mommy's girl. (Sorry, Tyler. Don't worry, that'll probably change when she gets older).
Loves pulling my hair.

She can hold the bottle completely by herself now, but sometimes if she's tired, she doesn't want to, so she ends up letting go so I have to hold it. 
Almost NEVER cries. Only if she's accidentally woken up earlier than she wants, or if she's really hungry and I'm not getting her food fast enough.

If I'm holding her, and holding something in my hands (a drink, food, my phone, etc.) she wants it BAD. 
We started her on baby food a little bit ago and she loved it! (I'll share that post soon).

We borrowed a bouncer/exer-saucer from my cousin and Gemma loves it! She jump jump jumps and will play with the toys on it for so long! Seriously, she has sat in there a few times for over an hour!
She is almost constantly babbling to herself or anyone who will listen! She loves to say "dadadadada"
She has a tooth coming in!!!
At her 6 month appointment she weighed 15 lbs (35th percentile), 25.5 in long (33rd percentile), with her head circumference at 16 in (42nd percentile).

I love this sweet girl of mine. Tyler and I are so lucky to have her in our lives!