Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve Part 1: Bailey's

The entire day of Christmas Eve was awesome! The first part of the evening, we spent with the Baileys. Our original plan was just to stop by for a short visit that day, and do presents with them on the evening of Christmas day, but we decided on a whim to do presents with them, as well as St. Lucia day, and the nativity story.

Proof that I have the best husband EVER. 
Months before Christmas I found out that Nintendo was coming out with the new Wii system around Thanksgiving. I saw a couple videos about the new Mario game- and I was in love. (For anyone that doesn't know me, I LOVE any Mario game, especially the one for the Wii, so when I found out there was a new one coming out, I was pretty excited.)
Tyler knew how bad I wanted the system and game, but I told him that it wasn't a big deal, and we need to spend that money on stuff we actually need. We were already planning on getting Tyler a sound system for Christmas that was a mere $100, and that was the other reason I didn't want to spend the money on the Wii. 
SO. It turned out, Tyler secretly went into work early multiple times to get overtime, as well as asked Rachel if she wanted to go in on the gift with him so that he could afford to get the the Wii and game. He also gave up getting that sound system. 
I almost cried when I opened the gift. In all seriousness, it was the best gift I have ever received, and it wasn't even that it was a Wii. It was finding out everything that he had done to be able to get me that gift. 
Grateful to have such a wonderful husband who will do things like this for me without expecting anything in return. I am one lucky girl!!
...and grateful to have such a wonderful friend in Rachel! Thank you for being apart of that gift! It means so much to me that you would put that much into a Christmas gift for me!! 

One day I hope to do something just as awesome for these two as they have for me!