Friday, September 2, 2011


A couple weeks ago I got a text from a friend, Lisa, [also my cousin Rachel's best friend], asking if I would be able to join them that evening in surprising Rachel and taking her to dinner and a movie for her birthday!
[Even though her birthday wasn't for a couple weeks]
Luckily I didn't have to work that day! 
And I had gotten her a gift just the day before! 

Tyler and I visit Rachel and her family at least a couple times a week, so it was easy making Rachel believe that we were coming over for a normal visit...when in reality, we were going there to wait for Lisa to show up and surprise Rachel with our plans! 
Lisa told me her plan to make sure Rachel was all dolled up and ready to go out by the time we got there without actually revealing our plans. Lisa had called Ryan and asked him to tell Rachel that her visiting teachers called and were coming that evening to take Rachel visiting teaching. [We all thought she'd try to look her best for that]. But Ryan was extremely vague, like he forgot all the details about when the visiting teachers were coming, and Rachel was getting annoyed with Ryan because of that, so for a while I was worried she was going to suspect something else was going on. But fortunately, the only thing she suspected was that she married a crazy. Hahah! Finally Lisa showed up with their friend Kim and the truth came out! 
She was definitely surprised. And relieved she didn't have to go visit-teaching! 
After Rachel went and changed we made our way to Provo where we were going to meet up with another of Rachel's friends, Tiffany, and eat at Olive Garden. After a delicious dinner we made the 20 second drive over to Movies 8! [The dollar theater in Provo].
I think we all had a good time, especially the birthday girl!
I'm always happy to do nice things for Rachel. She's one of my closest friends, and has always been wonderful to me. 
Happy Birthday, Rachel!
I love you!

Kim, Tiffany, Lisa, Me and Rachel