Sunday, August 21, 2011

Taylor & Karly - For Time and All Eternity

Friday, August 12, 2011
Mount Timpanogos Utah LDS Temple
The time and place Taylor Frampton became the happiest man alive. 

Karly's wedding day was a long one. Being her Maid-of-Honor, I assigned myself the job of taking her to get her hair and make-up done that morning, which meant: EARLY! Here's how the morning went down.
5:00AM - My alarm goes off, I snooze it.
5:05AM - Alarm goes off again. I snooze it again.
5:10- 5:55AM - I either snooze it every 5 mins or I just don't hear it.
6:00AM - Jennifer [Taylor's mother] wakes me up. [To clue you in: I slept on the Framptons couch the night before so I could wake up and immediately start getting ready with Karly.]
6:06AM - Karly runs upstairs, waits and listens to hear the water from the shower upstairs turn off so she can shower. I wonder if I was really stupid for snoozing my alarm, cause I realize that not only do I still have to shower, so does Karly. And we have to be at Lisa's at 6:45. And I needed to be completely ready before then. And she needed to eat a good breakfast. And I needed to eat. So...crap. 
6:15AM - Karly's already in the shower and I'm eating cereal, trying to fathom how I'm going to be ready in time.
6:25AM - Karly is out of the shower and I'm getting in. Thinking about how I should have at least shaved my legs last night, if not totally showered, cause it's taking up too much time. Doing it anyways. 
6:40AM - Out of the shower, dressed, towel in hair, hop into car with Karly, drive to Lisa's house in Alpine. Drive takes longer that I thought. Karly's stressing and it's making me stress too. No one wants an angry bride. Especially if you're to blame for making her angry. 
6:47AM - Arrive at Lisa's. Run in. Karly's now regretting going anywhere to get her hair done...even regretting taking the time to do her hair in the first place. [Possibly the first bride EVER to not really worry about her hair]. I reassure Karly that everything will be okay, that we'll be on time. 
6:50AM - Lisa starts on Karly's hair. I run into her bathroom, take the towel out of my hair, and start blowing it dry, and fixing my make up.
7:20AM - I'm done with my hair and make-up. I start on Karly's make-up while Lisa is almost done with Karly's hair. 
7:35AM- Lisa fixes up my hair a little bit, Karly's feeling anxious...
7:45AM - We arrive back at the Framptons and Taylor is waiting out by his car for Karly to get back. They leave for the temple. I run in and change, pick up my mother then head to the temple.
8:05AM - Arrive at the Temple. Karly is cool, calm, and collected. 

The wedding ceremony started at 9am.
It was wonderful. I have never felt more proud of anyone or anything else in my entire life. Karly is one amazing girl. My very favorite part was after the ceremony when they let parents and grandparents hug the bride and groom. I saw tears in Karly's eyes for the first time ever. She was so beautiful! I have truly never seen her happier. And I have no doubt that she has never felt happier before that moment. 

Presenting the new Mr. and Mrs Taylor Frampton

After the wedding and pictures outside the temple, the group moved to the stake center for the ring ceremony and luncheon.

Karly's father, Jim, walked her down the aisle to Elton John's "Can you feel the love tonight." 
It. Was. Perfect! 
[Karly and Taylor LOVE Disney movies and music!]

Immediately following the ceremony was the luncheon. The Moellers [family friends/neighbors/fellow ward members to the Framptons] made their famous Carnivore Soup! It was yummy, as always!