Sunday, May 3, 2015

Oceanside with the Golledges

The drive to the beach was about an hour with traffic. Not surprising, it was a Sunday afternoon.
We set up our towels and umbrella, put on sunscreen then walked out to the water! This was Maisy's and Gemma's first time to the ocean!
Tyler and Maisy went boogie boarding for a bit while Megan, Josie, Gemma and I just watched (and took pictures)! Travis was very sweet to help Maisy learn how to boogie board! She had soooo much fun!
I'm so glad we were able to bring her with us to California!

Megan forgot to grab Josie a swimsuit, but luckily I had this extra one we put on her. I love the pictures I got of Josie! She's such a cute, easy going baby!

I love these pictures of my cute pudgy baby!

After drying off and changing, we took a stroll down the boardwalk.

We saw a one legged seagull!

Thanks for taking us to the beach Megan and Travis!! We had so much fun!!