Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Eve 2013 & an Announcement....

This Christmas was the first one in at least 5 years spent with my cousins! They are so much fun! These pictures show lots and lots of people, but we're still missing (if you can believe it) so many people!
The children dressed up to act out the Nativity, and after we all sung Christmas carols, which was so fun!!

These guys love each other....too much at times.

Manly men!

This photo I stole from Rachel's blog! ;)

We love the Shumways!

Can't wait for Christmas morning!

Christmas Eve I had a present for Aunt Kimi and Rachel to open up....
 Yup! I'm pregnant! On Christmas Eve I was 7 weeks along!
If you can't tell, I put a positive pregnancy test in a little baggy, then taped the baggy, along with a little card saying "7 weeks today..." to the bottom of a gift box, put tissue paper in it, the lid, then wrapped it up!
They were all so excited! Aunt Kimi even cried, it was so sweet!
I had announced it to my family earlier that day, via Skype. I showed them the positive pregnancy test but they didn't believe me at first. Apparently I tried to trick them once by doing that, but I don't remember that at all. Haha! (Though that does sound like me).

Can't wait to meet our little baby August 2014!