Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Las Vegas

Oh how I love this city. I LOVE the bright lights. I love the climate. I love the shopping.
Then again, maybe I just love it because whenever I've gone it's been for a vacation. Well, this time, we went down for both a vacation and a wedding reception! My friend, Jennie, who I met through the Randall's, got married in the Vegas temple and we were able to make the trip to attend the reception and stay for free at a very nice condo. (Thank you to Aunt Jo and Uncle Steve!) We were down there a total of 4 nights, so we had a lot of time to explore downtown. 
Abby and our cousin, Jacob, came with Tyler and I, then our friend Jeffrey met up with us for a couple days while there! We all had a blast!
I didn't take a whole ton of pictures, but I feel like I got a couple good ones! (Sadly I didn't get any good one's at the reception.)
I love that they look like they could be triplets!

 Jeffy wanted to be in the pic with us!

I really regret not buying that jacket...

The boys admiring a Ferrari!