Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My 21st Birthday

Sami's birthday 2011

On the day of my 20th birthday, we went to Texas Roadhouse with the Baileys!
I got to sit on a saddle while they sang to me!

On the way to meet us at Texas Roadhouse, Tyler pulled a U-turn and went over the curb a bit, and it popped the tire! This happened just down the road from the restaurant, so Tyler left the car parked on the shoulder and ran over. Then after dinner Ryan helped Tyler change the tire! 

A few days later, I had my birthday party! 
I made my invite all by myself! I'm pretty proud...

Sami's birthday 2012

This year I didn't have a birthday party, but I spent a lot of time with family and friends! 
Just like the year before, the Baileys, Tyler and I went to Texas Roadhouse! 
[We're thinking this needs to be a tradition.]

After Texas Roadhouse, we went back to the Bailey's for some cake! 

Thanks Rachel, for the little party!!